Can the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie Be Less France-Centric?
The Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) is one of many examples of former colonial powers continuing to exert influence over their former colonies. However, for the OIF to remain relevant in 2024, it must become less France-centric.
The Development Life: A Guide to Aspiring Professionals
With over 9,000 employees working for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), international affairs students are exploring the benefits of a career in development. Following long development and humanitarian assistance careers, American Academy of Diplomacy members share their experiences with aspiring professionals.
North Korea: A Strategy of Coercive Diplomacy
Forging down the path of coercive diplomacy to deal with the DPRK's persistent efforts to become a nuclear weapons state is the best possible option.