Russians View Biden’s Presidential Victory As Inconsequential for Bilateral Relations
While most Russians were optimistic in 2016 that Trump’s presidency could improve U.S.-Russian relations, new public opinion data shows that most Russians now believe that neither Trump nor Biden would improve relations with Moscow, and therefore, the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election is irrelevant from a Russian perspective.
The Political Reality of Nord Stream 2 and Germany’s Response to the Navalny Incident
Germany must rethink its energy politics after the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.
The Arrest of Sergei Furgal as a Kremlin Power Grab
The governor’s controversial ejection fits into a larger scheme to consolidate power in Russia.
Drone Boomers: How satellite detection and the push for autonomy may lead to unmanned SSBNs
By Bryan EricssonContributing Writer29 March 2016